Whisky Gourmet organizes unique whisky experiences with the mission to establish the Whiskey tasting experience as a refined art-de-vivre, to inspire moments of harmony and happiness
Whisky and Gourmet are two words that pair well together; drinking whisk(e)y is cool for most people and can become an even more delightful experience with a little preparation and knowledge. It is almost like driving a car, in a much simpler way: the more you know, the more you can enjoy.
The diversity of the whiskies deserves at least to give a try to better approach their wide aroma range. But starting with the right whisky based on one’s own taste and decipher the aromas requires some help at the beginning.
Further on, the immense possibilities of food combination with whiskies offer a never-ending journey to pleasure and delicate art de vivre; this also requires some guidance as not any food goes with any whisky, and some recipes are created just to pair well with a given whisky.
By organizing unique whisky experiences for all levels, Whisky Gourmet aims at supporting novices and aficionados to appreciate whisky at an even greater extent.
This website is listing all our scheduled whisky experiences, as well as articles on noticeable whiskies, distilleries worldwide and domestic and international events.
We encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter just below, to be the first to know the new events and new articles.

We wish you a good browsing of this website and we hope to see you at a next whisky experience.
Enjoy this website, enjoy whisky, enjoy life!