Armagnac, an amazing brandy: Discover and enjoy 5 premium expressions!




Learn the diversity of this less-known but so incredible brandy



Armagnac is the French oldest wine-based eau-de-vie; the first evidence of its use dates back to the year 1310!

Armagnac is produced in southwest France, in the heart of Gascony.  Obtained from the distillation of white wine in an Armagnac alambic and put to age for many years in oak barrels before being bottled, it comes as blends (made from several eaux-de-vie from different harvests) or as vintages that are specific to Armagnac (one single year of harvest). It is a craft production: annually, the Armagnac sales are barely matching 2% of the cognac sales!

Join in and discover this unique, authentic and underrated brandy, reflecting a unique French terroir. 

The goal? You will learn what it is how to enjoy it greatly!

This session is very interactive, quite fun and you can ask any questions!

How does this work?

  • After you book, you receive your package with instructions on how you should prepare.
  • Two days prior the session, you receive the zoom link to connect to computer, iPad, smartphone.
  • Session content:
    • You will learn the Armagnac 101
    • How to taste an Armagnac– guidance
    • 5 premium Armagnacs
  • Booking date:
    • We guarantee 5 business days shipment
    • If you book later, check the expedited delivery box (addition of $35/kit)



Your guide:

Your expert: Franck is a certified Armagnac Eductor, has a distiller degree from IBD (London, UK), and is a WSET spirit eductor (all levels). He has toured the world on all continents to visit more than 200 distilleries and among them of course in France and in the Gascony region. He travels on a regular basis to spirit experts’ gatherings, and is well connected with the most prestigious actors of the area.

Franck is a judge in national and international Spirit Competitions.

He has entertained or trained more than 8,000 participants to date to his sessions and is recognized for his very effective pedagogical approach while demonstrating his passion.

Franck is operating in the United States, in New-York and New-Jersey.

Learn more about Franck: HERE

Judging at a spirit competition, in front of a very old mobile still, and with the most reputable master cooper in Gascony, Gilles Bartholomo

Is this a gift?

  • In the booking section, put your own address in the “billing details”, and the name and address of the recipient in “ship to a different address”.
  • If you wish to offer a gift to multiple persons and addresses, just add the names and corresponding addresses in the “order note” box.
  • If you wish that the person is recognized during the session for a special reason, just mention it in the “order note” box. We’ll do our best to create a nice memory!
  • Any question? just email us at:

In Gascony, graduation ceremony for Franck Mounier, one of the very first Armagnac Educators, with Jérôme Delord, (left), President of the BNIA, and Benoit Hillion (right), Director of the BNIA (Bureau National Interprofessionel de l’Armagnac)

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