
Residential buildings

We offer various options to entertain the residents of your building.

1. Spirit educational and fun session:

. Better conducted in a classroom style: each participant sits behind a table
. THree to five liquors poured and tasted together
. The education is very enjoyable and very interactive
. High satisfaction from the audience: education and fun all along!
. Glassware (crystal tasting glasses) provided
. Great support to socialization

We offer various options: whisk(e)y, bourbon, cognac, gin

2. Whiskey and snack pairing session:

. Better conducted in a classroom style: each participant sits behind a table
. A very innovative initiation to whiskey and food pairing – the audience will discover the amazing potential of selected snacks and pairing whiskeys
. The education is very enjoyable and very interactive
. High satisfaction from the audience: education and fun all along!
. Great support to socialization

3. Tasting booth:

. We pour selected liquors to the guest in your community room
. We entertain conversation around the spirits with the guests
. We man the booth with experts
. You chose the selection in type and tier:
. Whiskey (Scotch, Bourbon, Irish, Japanese, World, …)
. Cognac
. Gin
. Participants are standing
. Good support to socialization

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