
A bottle of Macallan distilled in 1926 breaks auction record at $1.9m!

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A bottle of Macallan distilled in 1926 breaks auction record

at $1.9m!



This happened at Sotheby’s in London on October 24th, 2019, among almost 500 collective rare bottles that have been sold that day.


This 60-year-old Macallan is coming from cask #263 an ex-sherry cask, was distilled in 1926 and bottled in 1986.



This Macallan Fine & Rare 60 Year Old 1926 bottle (42.6% ABV) was offered for auction by a private American collector and had been estimated to sell for about US$500,000, about a third of the final auction price. Very few businesses could boast this increase in value…

By the way, there are no tasting notes available… Will anyone drink this million+ whisky?



It breaks the previous world record that was also set by a bottle of Macallan 1926, 60 Year Old, for $1.5m, at Christie last year. It had a unique design, hand-painted by Irish artist Michael Dillon.

Macallan asked three artists to create labels for its 1926 60 Year Old malt. Peter Blake, who designed the album cover for the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Valerio Adami who both created twelve labels each, and Dillon, who just did that one, which design depicts the Easter Elchies House of The Macallan, against the backdrop of the Scottish Highlands.

The new Macallan distillery

Is this record good?

Maybe, but one can think that these bottles are going to take dust on a shelf, and will be resold in some years, then very unlikely experienced.

Likely a good investment, but unfortunately palates won’t be enjoying this spirit.
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One response to “A bottle of Macallan distilled in 1926 breaks auction record at $1.9m!”

  1. […] Others want to acquire the most expensive bottles,see the latest recent world record: most expensive bottle of whisky […]