
A whisky collection breaks world record of the most valuable, $16m! DRINK OR WATCH?

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A whisky collection breaks world record of the most valuable, $16m!




Some people love to collect whisky, the world record is a bit over 10,000 bottles,
see related post: A W that means Whisky – the world collections

Others want to acquire the most expensive bottles,
see the latest recent world recordmost expensive bottle of whisky

But today, we speak about someone who has done both: acquire many bottles, each of them valued a fortune.
Where is this happening? In Viet Nam, an Asian country we wouldn’t have expected for such a record. The proud owner of the collection is Mr Viet Nguyen Dinh Tuan, a successful businessman living in Ho Chi Minh City.

Mr Viet Nguyen Dinh Tuan, in the room that hosts his famous collection.








Now, how much are we speaking about? The collection is valued at about $16m, an estimate based on the expected value the bottles could sell at an auction.

How many bottles? “just” 535 bottles, which is a small number in comparison to the value, but a huge collection if you think of the average price per bottle: no less than $30,000 each.


The famous collection, worth more than $16m, in a lounge very securely locked.

It seems that the comfortable armchairs are more placed for the guests to watch the wonderful whisky expressions than to experience them on the palate…






Of course, Mr Nguyen Dinh Tuan has some gems in his collection.

  • Three (out of only 40 ever released) bottles of Macallan iconic 1926 “Fine and Rare”, each  with a different label: the Fine & rare label, the Peter Blake label, and the Valerio Adami label.
  • One of only 12 bottles of the oldest Bowmore ever released, which is the most expensive Islay whisky ever (count around $400,000)
  • 24 bottles of the 1919 vintage Springbank.

It seems that he was not the winner of the last auction (a few weeks ago, last October) of the most expensive bottle in the world though, but he anyway boasts the Guinness World Records of the most valuable whisky collection.

See post of the most expensive whisky ever:Most expensive whisky ever

Mr Nguyen Dinh Tuan says that he has been collecting patiently for twenty years, and that he dedicates a lot of his free time to find auctions in the world in order to acquire new bottles for his collection.

He says that he doesn’t intend to sell any of his bottles, which is the statement of a true collector, as opposed to someone who would invest to resell.

Most of the time, when rare whisky bottles are sold in an auction, it is coming from an investor rather than a from true collector.




Philosophy: DRINK OR WATCH?

I heard that Mr Nguyen Dinh Tuan doesn’t drink whisky. Which means, only the value (which of course accounts for the rarity) and the look might create the appeal… The same for Claive Vidiz, from Lisbon in Portugal, who accumulated more than 10,000 unduplicated bottles he never opened (I would be interested to learn his criteria to buy bottles during his many trips). 

Now, what does this mean for a whisky lover? I mean for someone who loves to DRINK whisky (to EXPERIENCE, to APPRECIATE whisky), not to watch it.

The answer could be “nothing”: some collect, some drink, why not, these are two different worlds.

But the reality is very different in fact:

First, it is likely that nobody will ever open such rare bottles, which means that nobody (besides the master distiller who bottled them) will ever know how it tastes. Are these whiskies good, extremely good, wonderful or just…old? Nobody knows or will tell in a credible manner.

Second, while these highly priced bottles are for the pleasure of only a handful of happyfews, this is creating a trend that consists of creating the equation:



This is quite understandable, but this is terrible for a whisky drinker and lover, for whom the acceptable equation should be:




Of course, one can say that the taste will vary from one individual to another, but come on, who hates a Balvenie 30 old?

Then this “investment market” at the top level has created by ripple effect the same phenomenon at a lower price scale. Most of the new releases from trendy brands are now acquired not to be tasted, but to be re-sold to people who will collect and resell them.

What does this mean?

It is becoming hard and expensive to find whiskies priced at a decent level. The Yamazaki 18 years old that could be bought for $120 or so in 2015, can be found now at a minimum of $800 if you are lucky. It is certainly not 6 times better than it was, it is the same. Of course, this is a market logic, more demand, less supply, higher price.

You can play the game (some would buy two bottles, one to drink, the other to resell), which is in my opinion a decent way to go provided one has enough money for it.

Or you can explore brands that are less renowned but at least as good, and enjoy yourself by drinking them with friends. This requires some confidence in one’s own taste and ability to appreciate whisky, which probably is much more difficult (while much more exciting) than putting money upfront and go with the trend.

But, all in all, whisky is made to be enjoyed, and there are many ways to do so.

I prefer to experience it by drinking it and be, most of the time, transported by great sensory feelings. So, watching, yes, as long as this ends up by drinking!

All opinions are valuable, and contradiction, when expressed to build and not destroy, is a healthy way to interact: feel free to offer your own opinion.

A part of the famous collection


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