
An amazing New Jersey Laphroaig whisky evening in kilt

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An amazing New Jersey Laphroaig whisky evening in kilt

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The core of the first round of cold is gradually coming to us, so whiskey is becoming even more important to enjoy!

Scotch? Peat? Islay? Good questions and only Yes answers.

What more? Kilt and backpipe!

And last by not least, the only whiskey that was legally imported in America during prohibition (yes, it is true, I will tell you the story one day):

Only one answer, LAPHROAIG!

Laphroaig 10 years old was pouring in all glasses at the great pleasure of the guests.

If you like peated whiskies and you have not tried Laphroaig 10 years old, you must experience it! Hard not to be pleased by this piece of mastery coming from Islay.

Its nose shows big smoky notes. Then you get spices, liquorice, with a nice iodine and saltiness feel associated with some sweetness.  All of that gives this medicinal smell that all peat lovers crave for!

The vanilla is showing on the palate with oaky notes complemented with spices, black papper, cardamon. All this ends with a nice finish lingering on tarry notes with still some iodine background.

Our host and National Laphroaig Master Ambassador Simon Brooking had organized everything to perfection.

The Laphroaig distiller manager, John Campbell was present to celebrate this golden spirit that he contributes to make

John Campbell has been working for Laphroaig for 25 years, and he is still checking the cuts of all the distillation batches! He suggests to add water to the Laphroaig 10 as it helps to unfold fruity flavors and more.

We even got oysters paired with a Bowmore 12 years old: a great treat for the palate! There is a special way to eat an oyster with whisky, and Simon gave us the way to proceed…

And then it’s started to get really hot…

A toast, and a singing tribute to Laphroaig…

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Hot? Time to go outside, and look at the great scenery, marching with the back-pipe.

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